Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Walter de la Mare

I watched the Lady Caroline
Bind up her dark and beauteous har;
Her face was rosy in the glass,
And 'twixt the coils her hands would pass,
White in the candleshine.

Her bottles on the table lay,
Stoppered, yet sweet of violet;
Her image in the mirror stooped
To view those locks as lightly looped
As cherry-boughs in May.

The snowy night lay dim without,
I heard the Waits their sweet song sing;
The windows smouldered keen with frost;
Yet still she twisted, sleeked and tossed
Her beauteous hair about.

I have been reading a collection of de la Mare's poetry, and this one caught my fancy. Isn't it sweet? My absolute favorite part is: "To view those locks as lightly looped
As cherry-boughs in May."

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