Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Of Hobbits and Deep Anticipation!

Oh yes. I am excited. 
The Hobbit is arguably my favorite of all of Tolkien's books. It has a happy ending and just enough wonder to make you feel uncomfortable one moment and cozy the next. :) I love it to death. And I have been rather excited (and pleased) by the video-blogs.
And Oh my Stars and Stockings I just watched the trailer. Mr. Thornton of North and South is Thorin Oakensheild. And people? He can sing!!! A marvelous, mysterious, throaty, perfect-for-giving-one-chills sort of voice! GAH! I cannot wait. This movie will prove to be amazing or I'll eat my hat. :)
Here's the link to the trailer if you're interested! :) 


♥Katie said...

COOL!! I wanna see it?! =D

Jenny Freitag said...

Dear jolly goodness, he can sing. I was worried about that, though perhaps that isn't the greatest thing in the world to worry about. Judging from the trailer, it appears they managed to capture the spine-chilling nature of the dwarves' song, and that, I think, takes some doing: deep and throaty like the mountains from which they come, and rich as they were, old as they are, dark and long and sad like time and the underground streams that never find the sea...

Unknown said...

And guess who plays our dear Bilbo-Martin Freeman who always plays the great John Watson in Sherlock. And to top it off, Benedict Cumberbatch plays the voice of the dragon that Bilbo slays.

Unknown said...

Wow! That's probably the first dwarf I've ever been attracted to. :)And he can sing! That is funny how both the main guys from Sherlock play in the hobbit. They are great!

Unknown said...
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