Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hold me while I swoon and wish I was a millionaire.

I just heard the most amazing news ever. Really. (Okay. Hearing a publisher wanted my book would be the most amazing news ever, but this is a really close second.) Crotchford Farm (A.A. Milne's house) is up for sale!!!! If you have 2-3 million dollars you can own a bit of Winnie-the-Pooh for yourself! It is the most darling home:

And dates back to the 16th century! 

All the best little places from the Winnie-the-Pooh books are within walking distance, including the Hundred-Acre-Wood, Pooh-sticks Bridge, and Pooh-Corner! The house has 9.5 acres of land, a bit of stream, field, and forest, 6 bedrooms, and 3.5 bathrooms. Perfect for a large, rambunctious family.

Right. Brilliant!

So's all I need is a husband, 3 million dollars, and a large rambunctious family. Then I can sit at Pooh Corner and let my genius pour forth to astonish the world. It's a beautiful plan and I'm muchly tempted. After all, it's the next best thing to hearing that Beatrix Potter's Hill-Top Farm has hit the market! :D


Shi of Narnia said...

Wow wouldn't that be cool to live in. What a neat little house!

Emily Chapman said...

Winnie the Pooh is just darling, and a house such as that would be simply charming to live in! Maybe it will still be for sale once I become a millionaire. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh that looks just like my dream house!! Oh I could live all my days there and paint and write and... Oh I want to see the garden!

Horse Lover said...

I love that house! It's just the sort of thing I've always wanted to live in!

Morgan said...

Aww! Such a pretty house!