Monday, January 7, 2013

Pretty soon you have a dozen.

With the new year, I have new schedules and new plans and even (yes, yes, I admit) new stories. More on that topic later. My new "schedule" optimistically went past its bounds of Real Life and entered Blogging as well. Because blogging requires Real Life time, I thought it only wise that the Real Life schedule be brought in. You know. I don't have to explain here. I will enlighten you as to what I mean further down the page.

The New Schedule sets my day up nicely for me. Monday through Friday I have slots for each of the following:

The writing of at least 1,000 words
One hour of editing or querying
One hour of reading

All three of these things are items I want to be sure to keep balanced this year. I don't like querying, reading gets pushed to the back burner in intense moments of inspiration, and editing always has its face of horrific torture. *Glaring at The Scarlet-Gypsy Song* (By the way, "Horrific Torture" is redundant, I believe. Welp...moving on.) I might be certainly shall be more inclined to write 2,000 or even 3,000 words before I'd sit down and write yet another query letter. In order to reduce temptation in this regard, I've slotted just about an hour for each facet of the Writer's Life. Hopefully I'll get more time to read than what I've slotted, but nowadays that is all I can comfortably spare. (If I make it that long) The grown-up life can be very harsh on reading lists, can't it? All of this babbling on about schedules was meant to let you know that The Inkpen Authoress will be moving onto a schedule. There will be new posts Mondays and Wednesdays, though of course I shall be glad to see you any day of the week. I should think I'd hardly have to let you know that if you don't put a thing on a schedule, you don't get any work done. Same thing with blogging. If I hadn't decided to put The Inky-Dink on a round-about, don't you agree I would continue on with spotty posts? I can't have that. I intend to be a fully reliable staple in the world of writing blogs, and 2013 shall be a lovely Monday-Wednesday year.

Watch me post on a Tuesday.

Just watch.


Jack said...

Editing is easy to push aside, because it is a pain. I hope you are able to keep up on everything, even when it is a pain and torture. Such as querying. (You shall have to let us know if you read any really good books. I'm always on the hunt for new book recommendations.)

Esther Brooksmith (wisdomcreates) said...

I suppose that means I only need to check this blog twice a week instead of daily...I just want you to know that your blog is the only one I regularly follow. :)