Thursday, December 19, 2013

Adventus Poetry

And sometimes you sit down to write a blog post and end up with a shard of real-homesickness that takes the form of this:


Pregnant, weighted.
Breath is baited
Hope has faded
With the night
Silent, holy,
Wanting solely
To be healed from
stabbing fright.
What if all this--
love and peace-kiss--
falls in dust
of crumbled prayers;
Nothing left but
hearts that slam shut,
hands that claw
and empty stares?
Lord, deliver!
Rend the shiver
As our swollen
bodies lie
In the dark net
of the "not yet"
where we, wandering,
fear to die.
Filling tombs
And swelling wombs
And still we wait
and watch in vain;
Has Heaven, blank night,
Turned from the sight
Of our wounds
And formless pain?
Silence deepens,
Hillside steepens,
Voices roughen
Like a blow
Question pours out
stubborn, draws doubt:
Poisoned arrow
On a bow.
Waiting, clinging,
Sighing, singing
In our half-lit
Lord, deliver!
Rend the shiver
Bring forth joy
From barren wombs.


Homeschool on the Croft said...

I love that ... I love reading words that make me *feel* - and these did.

Lady Bibliophile said...

Beautiful, Rachel. It was like a strain of music, and reached to the inner places of my soul.


Alina said...

Beautiful poem!

Elizabeth said...

That was wonderful!

Jenny Freitag said...

This is spectacular, darling: the cadence, the structure, the subject, the impact - this is certainly going in my notebook. It is very Edgar Allan Poe meets Andrew Peterson - which is a meeting I never thought would take place. :P Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I know it's bad form to comment on a blog post that's more than a few months old, but I just had to tell you how brilliant I think this is. I wish I could write poems like this, ones that are slightly cryptic, yet still drive the point home and that create their atmosphere so well. First rate stuff.