Monday, March 21, 2016

you are no stranger to me

Here are some visual, verbal, and audible pieces of inspiration for the untitled short-story I mentioned last week. I hope you'll enjoy browsing what amounts to my current "mind palace." I'm working on this story as often as I can and though it's a paltry showing yet, I'm finding my way all right yet. I jokingly teased that the writing sector of my brain is like a mother hamster, eating its young when it gets startled. So I'm going to not speak an awful lot of this story for fear of saying all I have to say on the blog rather than in the word document. So apologies for being vague. This is how I'm rolling this tine around.

"upon seeing you"

I thought it unlikely to meet
a stranger and know
him for my own.
Before words
or look
or laugh
or smile;
before you I recognized it:
yours was a soul my soul
knew well and
the sweet click of the
latch behind kept us
in the thoroughfare.
Should we go
Do we part here?
Home - safe home -
is gone for now
you are no stranger to me.
And so I smile
and hope
you know the way
because I'm lost already.

"Sweet Serendipity" - Lee DeWyze
"Fall in Love" - Peter Hollens
"Destino" - Walt Disney & Salvador Dali


Skye Hoffert said...

I love how when your a writer, sometimes one word is all it takes to inspire you. Love that poem.

Rachel Heffington said...

Isn't it the best feeling, when you have one word?