Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Prolific Man Indeed!

Here is a question for all of us amateurs to ponder:
"How on earth did Dickens manage to write so many, many, 4-inch thick books, and still present each one with a pound of humor and wit that never grows old?!?!"
That is what I am wondering. I marvel at this man's great talent! And have any of you been driven crazy by the knowledge that Dickens died before telling anyone the ending of the book he was writing: "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"? Argh! A mystery without an end! :( Charles Dickens was a "Maniac, and a man, and a marvel in a million!" ;) *smiles at Sarah, and anyone else who has seen "Our Mutual Friend"*

1 comment:

Always Narnian said...

I KNOW! What a terrific man.... :) Hehehe I wish I wrote like him- but that's wishing greatly!