Sunday, October 31, 2010

Announcing The Winner of The Autumn Writing Contest!!!!

At Last! The Moment we've all been waiting for! The winner of the Inkpen Authoress's Autumn Writing contest is announced!!!! Thank you to each and every one of you girls who entered! I enjoyed so much receiving every entry! As I remember, the prize for winning this contest, is the publishing of your entry on this blog, and in our family newspaper. I read through the entries this afternoon, and though each one was very good, I chose the one entry that to me captured the spirit of the contest, and was in short, the best. Although the choice was hard, I finally decided the winner. Everybody please congratulate Miss Abigail Taylor on her poem "The Changing of the Leaves"! You may read the poem in full below, but first I want to again thank each of the girls who entered this contest! Do you think there should be another contest sometime? Let me know!

"The Changing of the Leaves."
By Miss Abigail Taylor

Splendid colors of every hue

Accentuated by skies of deepest blue

Like carefree laughter of the trees

Is the changing of the leaves

The oaks unfold their acorn crop

Squirrels squirrel-away the ones that drop

They know they have no time for ease

At the changing of the leaves

The white-tailed buck deer seeks a mate

He shakes his head and makes a scrape

With eager eyes the hunter sees

A promise in the changing leaves

The golden sun smiles gentler rays

The land is blessed with cooler days

The farmer welcomes the gypsy breeze

That accompanies the changing leaves

Bittersweet comes the end of summer-long

Like the close of a book or the end of a song

Boys and girls study ABC's

While they'd rather be playing in the leaves

For though flowers of summer are bright and lush

More resplendent still was the Artist's brush

When He uniquely painted fair Autumn's trees

And designed the changing of the leaves.


Marianela said...

Congrats to the winner!! :D

Yes, I think there should be another contest really soon! I enjoy the suspense! ;)

Abigail said...

Aw, I am very honored. Thank you, Rachel!! :) :)

P.S. Poor Miss Petunia... ;D

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud said...

It is a beautiful poem! I felt shivers right through me which happens whenever I read something so beautiful! :)

I love your blog! I just found it now and am following, I've been looking for a literature blog like this for ages,I love good literature and writing! :)

God bless,

Rachel and Sarah said...

Aw! Glad to hear you are enjoying this blog Felicity! :) I love that poem that your blog name comes from! :) I get thrills too when I read or hear something beautiful! I think we shall like one another Felicity! :)