Saturday, March 9, 2013

In Which I Turn This Blog Into a Marketplace and Try To Sell You Something.

Dear Ladies and Gents,
       Here on the Inkpen Authoress, I seldom talk about my personal personal life. You know, the things that go on for Rachel Heffington, Proper, not Rachel Heffington, Author. After all, that is why I have kept two blogs for some time. This is where you think I'm an intellectual, the other is where you think I'm...not so intellectual. ;) But the time has come for me to break the maxim of a place for everything and everything in its place. At risk of committing the same sin that, over two thousand years ago, caused the tables to be turned (quite literally), I am turning The Inkpen Authoress into a temporary marketplace. (Hear, hear!)

This is the scoop: I am going to Romania for a 2-week long mission's trip beginning on April 5th of this year. That means that in 3 weeks (give or take a couple days) I will be off this continent and onto The Continent and starting what I hope will be one of the grandest adventures of my life so far. I am going with team of six other young people and one adult, and we keep a blog logging all the ins and outs of planning, and God's hand through it all. He has provided generously the funds for buying the plane tickets and the date is locked in. Non-refundable, non-transferable. What does this mean? It means that like it or not, I'm going to Romania April 5th, and there's nothing that can be done to lengthen these very short 3 weeks.
Costs for our room and board and fuel have not been covered yet, and that is why I am turning merchant here on this blog in the hopes that you might be tempted enough from this post to buy some of my wares. I won't wheedle. I promise. But I thought I would give you the opportunity to help support this very good cause. I need to raise (ideally) $150-$200 more, personally. If you would like to donate toward that cause (as some of you have, thankee so much), you may visit The Road To Romania blog and donate with the sidebar button. BUT if you are a bit more shrewd with your money and would like a return for your donation, by all means please read on!!!

Custom, Hand-inked, Tea-stained Letter-Paper

This is the perfect gift for yourself, your friends, your family, or (Gents, take note) your "Partickler Girl". Each piece of stationery is hand-stained, hand-decorated, and hand-lettered by me using (yes, you guessed) an ink-pen and colored inks. Each "packet" includes ten sheets of custom stationary, and will cost $8.00. And one of the best things about this stationery is that it crinkles. It crinkles, people. Any letter-writer knows that the BEST thing to write a proper epistle on is paper that actually makes that delicious crackling noise you hear in movies. My letter-paper does.

I can decorate your order any way you would like. You may request any of the examples below, or contact me about a custom packet using any emblem and/or quote you would like! If you are looking for a personal gift for someone you know, this letter-paper might be just the thing.

Would you, the noble author, like to write your letters on vanity-paper? Shoot me an email with an icon that best describes your book and a quote from your novel, and I'll whip you up a set of stationery that would please the most narcissistic person out there.

Do you have a life-verse, or a favorite author? Send me your favorite quote and I will concoct a paper-encapsulation of it, daintily inked by the humble hand of your's truly.

Just want something with a shaving of wit and whimsy? I can set my brains to work at something other than writing novels, you know. I'll make you a set of stationery that will make you the envy of every Jo March and Percy Blakeney out there.

And guys, this isn't only for the girls out there. I can do nautical (maybe something with a bit of yo-ho-ho and an anchor motif?), Narnian, Tolkien... maybe even some Sherlock if you beg me.

I'm not above menial work. Believe me.

Herein I stop talking and show you a few examples of the goods:

"Anduril, Flame of the West"
10 sheets hand-crafted stationery

"First Impressions"
10 sheets hand-crafted stationery

"Be Like the Bluebird"
10 sheets hand-crafted stationery

"Lantern Waste"
10 sheets hand-crafted stationery

"Demmed, elusive Pimpernel"
10 sheets hand-crafted stationery

If you would like to donate to my "Eurrrrrropean Rrrreptutation" (tell me where it's from!) by ordering this fine stationery, shoot me an email at and we can have a chat about what you'd like to order, and how to pay me for it.

The only thing left to do is make a quick mention of the pricing: I purposely am not selling this cheaply for two reasons:

1.) Your purchase is a donation to a "non-profit" organization, in the person of me. I am only selling this stationary to make enough money to send myself out on the mission field to preach Jesus. :)

2.) This stationary is adorned with quality work done by an honest craftswoman, and will make even the most poorly-worded letter look divine.

In short, I would ask you to consider buying a bit of paper off of me to support Christ's work, ensure I don't go homeless or foodless while in Europe, and to receive in return of your charity some "demmed fine" paper with "no begad nonsense about it." I take delight in doing this sort of "pretty work" and I would love to do some for any of you. 


Emilyn J Clover said...

That is really really cool! Another thing you can do is stain the paper with coffee and it taints it to make it look old! But tea is really cool too as it can make the paper taint (perhaps) green or yellow depending on the kind of tea used to stain the paper with.

Rachel Heffington said...

Same price. Those are just prototypes so I start from scratch for each set. :)

Joy said...

can you mail them overseas to say... Australia, and do they cost anything extra for the shipping, Rachel?

Joy said...

They're very beautiful, by the way! You are quite gifted :). I love them all, especially the Middle-Earth, Narnian and bird ones :)

Rachel Heffington said...

It would cost two dollars extra to ship overseas. :)