Thursday, March 14, 2013

Two Contest Opportunities (with awesome prizes)

I am sorry, I am sorry. But it's technically still Wednesday SO. I didn't get too far off my post schedule. Oh wait. It's Thursday. Where the BLAZES is my head?

In preparing to set up a makeshift Coffee Shop in my house, actually, to raise further funds for Romania. Thanks so much to each of you whom bought my custom stationery! And if you haven't bought any yet and would like to, I'm still taking orders. :) I know it's really short-notice, but I wanted to let you know about two contests that have awesome prizes!

First off is kind of a strange kind of contest to enter for writers like us, but then again, our craft might give us an edge when it comes to entering. Girls, the contest is for eShakti, a clothing company, and the writing prompt is What Do Women Want? You have 45 words or less to answer this question. Three winners will each receive a $150.00 gift card to eShakti! I thought, why not go for it? So I did. The only catch (and I wish I'd figured this out earlier) is that your entries have to be in by tomorrow, March 15th. But really, it's only 45 words so why not give it a go? You might end up with $150.00 worth of free clothes.

The SECOND contest is over at Go Teen Writers to celebrate the publication and release of Jill's and Stephanie's newest book, Go Teen Writers: How to Turn Your First Draft Into a Published Novel. The contest gives you an opportunity to pitch your story in 25 words or less to Jill and Stephanie!  The top three winners from this contest will each receive a copy of the new book for their winning entries! Same thing with the eShakti contest, however: you only have till 1 PM (Kansas City time) to enter the contest, so hurry!

I entered the Go Teen Writers contest with one of the scraps of stories that has been floating around my head these past few months, and that I hope might come out to be something pretty neat. It's a novel idea! (no pun intended, please) :) Anyway, sorry I didn't warn you guys sooner about these contests, but I hope those of you reading this post tonight or tomorrow will try your luck for either or both the prizes! The worst you can do is not make it to the top three. I mean, really. :)

1 comment:

Carilyn said...

Oh Rachel! I entered the Go Teen Writers contest today too! :) Exactly, you lose nothing by entering, and gain experience in doing so.