Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April's Chatterbox: Walk it Off

No, I haven't forgotten.


I saw you looking at me that way.

I have not forgotten that it is April and that we are midway through already and that I haven't set up this month's Chatterbox topic. I have taken artistic license with time-frames this month, and you already knew that. So. Without another delay, I am here to announce that April's Chatterbox topic is...


 I am allowed to be arbitrary, you know. This is my Chatterbox and my blog-space. The decision to label April's topic as "travel-by-foot" might have a little bit to do with the fact that I took a five-mile walk (at least that far) out in the countryside this morning with a friend. April is a time perfect for taking long walks, at least in Virginia. The year hasn't heated up so much that she's all sweaty and humid. Pollen will soon settle down (the pine-pollen is KILLING me today), dogwoods bloom like forgotten lace handkerchiefs along the roadsides, and if you intend to get any sort of outdoor walking into your year, you'd be wise to get out now, because Summer temperatures strangle that idea. Plus, walking along the road gives one the opportunity for many new experiences. I met an interesting old fellow Sunday afternoon, and you never can tell what'll happen by going by foot in a world overrun with autos. :)

When you've written your Chatterbox piece (see tag at bottom of post for details), link up with the linky-dink and we can enjoy each other's work. Also, it's #wordplaywednesday so if you have anything of that nature, tag it up and share on social media! Cheers!



Elisabeth Grace Foley said...

All right. You stumped me the last two months, but I'm going to do my darnedest to come up with something this time.

Jamie said...

Is it possible for a person to participate in Chatterbox without having a blog of her own? I'm not a blogger, but I am a writer in a small way, and I'd rather like to try my hand at this. Of course, I can always write on the topic in any case!
By the way, I love your blog and really enjoyed Anon, Sir, Anon. I can't resist a Shakespeare title, and the book didn't disappoint!
(Aurelia is a username, not my given name, in case anyone was wondering. I wouldn't like to take the credit of having such a cool given name.)

Adriana Gabrielle said...

Totally gonna be doing this!!!

Rachel Heffington said...

Elisabeth: I'm so sorry! Maybe next month I will be obvious.
Aurelia: of course! You can write just for the fun of it, or you could send your piece to me via email if you wanted to "share" but don't have a blog. :) And thank you! I am so glad you liked Anon, Sir, Anon. It is always a relief to hear such things.
Adriana: looking forward to it!