Monday, August 13, 2012

In which I lose my brain...quite literally

I feel like an amputee at present so you must excuse me. Y'see, before leaving my house to be gallivanting and campaigning for a month, I put my USB card somewhere Safe.


Yes, notice I said "Safe?" 


Well, truth be told, I can't find my USB card now that I come home. The Not-Me's of the previous month must have moved it, or else I put it too safely away for my own good. I am a dangerous woman after all. ;) In order to alert you to the importance of this USB card, you must understand that it literally is my brain.

It holds The Scarlet Gypsy Song...

It holds Fly Away Home...

It holds Scuppernong Days... least it didn't have its talons in Cottleston Pie. I have not exhausted all possible nooks-and-crannies yet, and I mean to rule out those possibilities ASAP. Because as an author, I feel like a mother whose triplets have just been kidnapped. Here's hoping I find the card soon...that would be a royal riot, wouldn't it?--having to rewrite all those long months of hard work. (If I could even recreate it all, which I very much doubt. :P) I'm sure I'll find the card...but I'd better get looking, hadn't I?


Emily Chapman said...

Oh, dear. The horrors! I hope you find it soon, dear friend. Oh, I do hope you find it soon!!

Jessica Greyson said...

Praying that you find your children and your elusive USB!!!! I know what it is to lose one!!!! *SCREAM* eep! Not fun at all! Hope you find it soon.


Kendra E. Ardnek said...

I hope you find it soon. It would be completely horrid if you had to go and rewrite it all over again ...

Anonymous said...

Rachel. My dear Rachel.

After you find your beloved brain, go to the store. Buy a little decorative box that will close securely. But your brain within its confines. And breathe.

That's what I did, anywhoo. Which is the only reason I have never literally lost my brain. All my stories are safe in a pretty, little box. I always know where my brain is. I always know it's safe.

In other news, WELCOME HOME! You're a sweetheart. ^.^

ashley tahg said...

Oh dear. The horror of it all.

I'll be praying your three little children come home safely!

Miss Dashwood said...

*horrified gasp*
Oh Jeeves darling, I do so hope you find it! This reminds me that I should back up my Word files on Google Docs... right NOW.

Esther Brooksmith (wisdomcreates) said...

I am praying that you find it, Rachel. :)