Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Let's see...who will be next?"

I believe I've heard of a species of writer that has their work so carefully plotted that when they are done with one book they immediately begin on another, complete the process again, and so on. This species is unrelated to me. I think I missed out on the Spartan gene somehow. My style is much I usually have two or three projects going at once. I work on all of them for the space of a week or so and suddenly one will take off and pull me with it. For instance, where have Cottleston Pie and Scuppernong Days gone? Good question! They are still very much alive, but Fly Away Home took over and raced with me to the finish line. Now that I'm through with Fly Away Home and am in the editing process with it and The Scarlet-Gypsy Song,  I am nosing about for which project will fly away with me next.

There  are four on the table at present:

Scuppernong Days

Find Her

Cottleston Pie

Au Contraire

I am not certain which I'll devote my entire creative-power to just yet. Cottleston Pie is a for-fun book that may not every be pithy enough to have publishing allure so I am doubtful I'll push hard for that, though I love to work on it. Here are the other three with their "Sales Handles", genre, and a picture from each. Which would you like to hear more about?

-Scuppernong Days-

A vow to rescue his sister. A tumble into intrigue, piracy, and traitorous waters. A promise to come home. It is up to young Nicodemus Murdoch to tie the three together and emerge alive.

Genre: Mid-grade historical/action-adventure novel

-Find Her

He has staked his life on a promise to "Find Her" would help if he knew what to look for. Find Her follows Griff Durbin--a young American in the 1920's--on his world-wide chase to find out what he's looking for...and where it's got to.

Genre: YA action/adventure

-Au Contraire: a novel of the French Revolution-

 Spoiled, petted Corinne Garnier has spent her life in mockery and contempt for the aristos. When a sleight-of-hand trick exposes her aristocratic blood, her ambitious cousin vows to hunt her down and execute her at the guillotine like any other duchess of the Revolution. Will Corinne stoop to accepting mercy at the hands of the people she has vowed to hate?

Genre: YA historical fiction

I am off to camp for a week without internet or my computer so I'll be thinking about these stories a bit during the stay. It'll be interesting to see which snags me first. I am excited about all three and would--if I could--work on them all together. Unfortunately, I work best devoting my entire life to one at a time. Each has great potential.....

Scuppernong Days has characters you feel deep sympathy and connection with, and a deal of great derring-do. Every kid has wanted to run off to sea--admit it.

Find Her is just such an improbable plot and Griff is going to be such a cool guy...a master in a long line of espionage experts...

And then Au Contraire (which I've mentioned before, though you didn't have the title)...the strength of the plot excites me as well as the sweeping drama of the time and the horrible crux Corinne finds herself at...

Ah yes. No lack of inspiration with these three clamoring in my head for proper time and exposure!


Kendra E. Ardnek said...

They all three sound very interesting!

Anonymous said...

I vote to hear more about "Find Her" and "Au Contraire"!

Dakota Densmore said...

"Find Her" sounds the awesome-est to me at the moment. ;)

Unknown said...

Whew! All of these magnetize, but I would love to learn more about that last one, Cynthy. Such a reversal! I like the plot where the poor girl tries to work her way into high society or rich girl suddenly discovers she's actually not high-falutin' atall. But THIS! Amazing.

Emily Chapman said...

Scuppernong Days! ScuppernongDaysScuppernongDaysScuppernongDays! ;) However, Au Contraire sounds like it has a really intriguing plot, so if you must do one other than Scuppernong Days, I will be satisfied with Au Contraire. ;)

Rachel Heffington said...

Haha--Emily, you always did love Scuppernong, didn't you? :)

Carilyn said...

Can I just say that Nicodemus Murdoch is a brilliant name?? I've liked the name Nicodemus for a while, but I don't know if there's anyone on earth that would consent to having their son named Nicodemus, so I haven't thought about that name much in a while. :)

Elizabeth said...

Wow, these all sound really good. especially *Au Contraire.* BTW, what does that mean?

Rachel Heffington said...

Molly-- "au contraire" means "on the contrary" in French. I chose the name because through the plot, Corinne's life turns contrary to everything she's ever known. :)

Miss Dashwood said...

Find Her and Scuppernong Days intrigue me the most at present, but I'd love to hear about Au Contraire too!

Anne-girl said...

Scuppernog days! Love that story! What I know of it that is. My suggestion would be go with that since its so delicious and adventury.

Always Narnian said...

I say Scuppernong- Since, currently, I am working on a short story set in the Golden Age of Piracy myself! And, I love ships! :D

Aritha Vermeulen said...

I like Find her.

Arielle Melody Bailey said...

I like all three!!

I love piracy stories and mysterious searches are always fun, but the one I'm most interested in is Au Contraire. The French Revolution never ceases to fascinate me. I currently have three stories set then, that are begging me to hurry up and write them!

Casey Capra said...

Wow, all of them sound incredible! I want to hear more about all of them!
Scuppernong Days sounds incredibly adventurous... I'll vote for that one, though I don't believe any of us will be of much influence on the Inspiration which comes and goes and flies about however it may choose to:)

The Brunette in the Kitchen said...

Au Contraire! Au Contraire, please! It sounds like a brilliant story that will inspire that feeling of longing in us girls to be in Corrine's shoes; what girl doesn't long for adventure and a little danger in her life? Just so long as everything turns out alright in the end :D