Thursday, November 15, 2012

What the Dickens...?

I’m going to take a stand and proclaim what I have learned as one of {perhaps the} the single most important keys to becoming a great writer. Ready? All right...
I guest-posted over at Living on Literary Lane this morning, so if you feel like reading more about what I've determined to be the single most important thing about being a successful author, head over there!
Second, it has been long and too long since I've had myself a Dickens-dive. Honestly, I think its been since Oliver Twist which was too short. Sure I'm in the middle of reading A Voice in the Wind (but ancient Greece and Rome isn't really my thing.) and The Narnian, but I feel a need for immersion in Charles Dickens strong upon me. Which should I read? Since graduating I have the most plummy stack of his titles on my shelf:

Bleak House
Oliver Twist
Great Expectations
A Tale of Two Cities 
Nicholas Nickleby
Hard Times
The Christmas Carol
The Cricket on the Hearth
The Chimes
The Pickwick Papers

I'm in the mood for something funny and droll, so probably I'll reread Pickwick or Nickleby. I've read all those titles except for Hard Times, but I'm not in the mood for a drearier title so I'll save it for later. In addition to---AH! I had forgotten I was recently given Dombey and Son! I ought to read that!--anyhow, in addition to those titles, I've also read Little Dorrit, The Old Curiosity Shop, and Barnaby Rudge. Wow. I'm a lot closer to having read all of Dickens' novels than I thought! Exciting! That's an item on my bucket-list, you know. :)
Well, lots to do today so toodle-pip and have a nice giddy-biscuit for me if you think of it.


Unknown said...

Hurray for Dickens! What a guy! :) I'm particularly partial to Bleak House, but if you're going for funny, droll, and not quite as long.....I'd definitely read Nicholas Nickleby again! Such an awesome book! Beware of Dombey and Sons. It's a sad one too.

Becca Weston said...

Ahh, the joy of Dickens. He is officially (and unofficially) my very favoritest author of all time. There is something in his writing that just draws me into the story and makes me fall in love with each and every one of his characters.... Little Dorrit is my very. Amy is so sweet and fot me started . :)

This post made me smile. :)


Jack said...

Someday, I hope to read A Tale of Two Cities. Someday.

Rachel Heffington said...

It's very worth it! Read it!