This is a public service announcement to let you know that this weekend, I'm running a special deal on Anon, Sir, Anon. That's right! On Black Friday, paperback copies will be available for at least 25% off the original price, while on Cyber Monday, I'll have a similar deal on e-book copies. So if you've held off on purchasing my mystery, now is a wonderful time to get ready to buy it. This deal is part of a big Black Friday book party I will be participating in and I'll have more info on that coming up in the next several days. But I thought I'd give my own dear readers a heads-up so you can start thinking about getting your own copy of this coziest of mysteries. :)
And in case you still aren't sure if Anon, Sir, Anon is for you, there are quite a lot of reviews up on Goodreads showing a variety of opinions. You ought to be able to find something to suit. I'm still tackling the finishing-bits of Cottleston Pie over here. Writing time is a little pinched this week. I opted to see Mockingjay Part 1 instead of sitting at home writing after work yesterday...I'm glad I did, but I will admit to being entirely at the mercy of every emotion as it hit me. I haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy and my sister has. Thus, I am totally oblivious to what will happen next and everything effects me deeply. I nearly died of high blood pressure. At any rate, all of this to say, when I finish the first draft of Cottleston Pie, I will do a triumphant snippets post. If you'd like that, comment below and give me a pep talk so I'll kick my tail into high gear and finish this. I only have about seven-thousand more words to go...which is a matter of a couple "chapters" of the story. Quite feasible. I would like to get it finished this week...which means getting it finished between tonight and tomorrow afternoon because THANKSGIVING IS COMING. I am so excited for the holidays this family has been rather spread out over the past six months. I've had a job and haven't been home much, my sister has been living away and interning/working at my brother's company, and Thanksgiving will be the first time we'll see my brother and new sister-in-law since the wedding! Not to mention the fact that we're also getting to spend this holiday with two amazing friends who can't make it to their own homes for Thanksgiving. So much for which to be grateful. :)
The quote is from Mockingjay and made me laugh aloud, even though I anticipated what Katniss would say.
Ten minutes of Cottleston Pie before I dash off to work. One good thing about working with kids is that I get free inspiration for Simpian Grenadine & Co. Tra!
Discussion 4 ~ Heidi Read-Along
5 years ago
Only a couple chapters left? You can do that easy, Rachel!
Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing, writing, writing... ;)
You can do this. ^.^
You can do it, you can do it! There's really nothing to it... ;)
Oh, I hope you can finish it soon! Can't wait for the snippets. God bless, happy Thanksgiving.
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